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In a joint collaboration between SORR, Central Coast Council, ARQ and AWS, supported by the Federal Government through the Environment Restoration Fund Program, the Tuggerah Lakes and Estuaries Stormwater Trial (TEST) was rolled out. The SORR Stormwater Solution was installed at a single site Killarney Vale, on the NSW Tuggerah Lakes. SORR is now working with council and has installed the solution in three further stormwater locations identified by the community as leeching toxic hydrocarbons into the waterways.
In Collaboration with
The system aims to remove toxic hydrocarbons from stormwater before it enters the lake. These hydrocarbons include things like engine oil, fuel, pesticides, bitumen additives and oil-based paints which can be washed into stormwater drains from places like roads, petrol stations, industrial buildings and even your house or garden.
Hydrocarbon pollution is toxic to living things with the potential to cause harm to people, plants and wildlife in our waterways.
This bespoke system we created is made up of Sucoil booms and sensor array. The booms contains special sponge technology that rapidly absorbs oil without absorbing water and the sensor array contains technology to monitor and record conditions and contamination levels.
The captured oil can be removed and recycled, and the sponge can be reused and repurposed, creating a circular economy to close the loop on waste.
Since being installed TEST has been monitoring and extracting harmful hydrocarbons and providing Council with important data on the water quality passing in and out of the Stormwater Solution.
Environmental Impact:
The installation of the stormwater filtration system using SORR's Stormwater Solution had a positive environmental impact on Tuggerah Lake. The system helped to reduce the amount of pollutants entering the lake, thereby improving water quality and the overall health of the lake's ecosystem. In addition, the system is sustainable, the filter made of the Sucoil Sponge is a reusable filter media, unlike other filters on the market.
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